Dec 12, 2018
In which I speak with USA Today Bestseller L.S. Hawker
about her upcoming novel "The Throwaways", writing rituals,
resistance, and much more!
L.S. Hawker's ( Novels here:
Barnes & Noble:
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Nov 28, 2018
In which I talk about the remainder of the Supreme Ordeal and then wrap everything up to Return with the Elixir and Master of Both Worlds.
► If you would like to support the podcast, find out how by following this link:
Dan Harmon's Story Circle:
Nov 19, 2018
In which we cover the stages from Crossing the Threshold to the First 2 parts of the Supreme Ordeal, while I try to avoid too much psychology and talk about how stories can be used to control people.
► If you would like to support the podcast, find out how by following this link:
Nov 14, 2018
In which I discuss Joseph Campbell's Monomyth, Christopher Vogler's distillation, and move from the Ordinary World to Crossing the First Threshold.
► If you would like to support the podcast, find out how by following this link:
Pick up "The Hero With A Thousand Faces" Here:
Nov 12, 2018
In which I speak to Steve Vera about how he became an author, found an agent, and the stories that influence him.
Steve's just a guy who wishes he could fire lightning out of his fingertips. Afflicted with wanderlust at the age of seventeen, he's lived in seven states, briefly served in the U.S. Air Force as...